My writing task

The secret door

While exploring an old mansion, I discovered a hidden door behind a bookshelf.

I opened the door. On the other side of the door there was a massive mansion.

Looking at it  carefully I saw a person that was looking at me. I thought to myself should I go or stay back. After thinking for a while I decided to go. When I reached. There was a fence that was the size of a tree. I jumped the fence.And i thought it’s going to be easy from here but I was wrong.I fell through a large hole and everything went black when i woke up I was tied to a pole with a rope.In the other room I heard people talking about the door I came through. I felt something behind my hands. It was a sharp object and I started to cut the rope with it . I got my hands free and ran for my life. The cave was like a maize. I kept ending up at the same place again and again. I looked up at the ceiling. There was a hole in the ceiling and I saw a ladder in the corner. I was thinking how I’m going to get up  while these people are still chasing me. I saw a door around the corner and ran and hid behind the door. Once they all entered inside I ran out of the room and locked the door. I  ran up the ladder and closed the door. pulled up the ladder so they couldn’t come out. I was out and free. I started to make my way to the mansion when i was 2 step away from the door and boom…..what….is….that….everything went black for a while when i woke up  every thing was in flames before i black out i saw people helping me to get out of the fire. When I woke up I looked around the room and there was a man wearing a mask hiding his face. He was making something. He told me to drink it. I asked him what’s “this”  it’s medicine he replied, so I drank it. Everything started to get better. I saw a Katana in the corner of my eye. Why is there a Katana? I asked him. In this world there are demons who eat people and more demons start appearing. It spreads like a virus. If you want the Katana you will have to train for it. If you slice this rock in half then you can become a demon slayer. No, I want to go back home. I don’t want to fight demons. I just want to get back home. This is your home. What do you mean I said. There was this door by the mansion it was in the bush. Nothing was there when we reached nothing. But..but it was where I came from. All hope was lost until what if i go back the same time i entered the door. I can go back any time. I am one in a lifetime to do this. I’m not going anywhere for now. I would like to try it. How would it feel to kill Demons? First you will go to a test to see if you become a Demons slayer or not on the side and also you will see a thread keep it lined and you will cut it in hafe. Days and months go by. Out of nowhere a thread appeared and I saw the rock in half. The man came and I never thought you could do it, he said. But you have to pass this one test. You have to climb the mountain and kill as many demons as you can. But it won’t be easy. You could die on the side.

I know. I need a Katana to kill them.ok i can build one for you and. He finished just in time. I have to live. When I got there I saw more people going to the mountain. There were so many of them. I got around 500 kills when we were in the final selection. There was a girl who looked like she came from the same door. Before I reached her she just vanished in the air. I remembered the door. I decided to go back to the door.While I was walking back I was attacked by some demons. I tried my best to kill them but I was no match for them. Out of nowhere six people jumped in battle and killed them in seconds.they were called the top of all demon slayers. I asked them why are you slayer going this way. We are from the mansion ok but the mansion was destroyed didn’t you hear. Where are you going? They asked me. Going to the mansion and completing my task to be a demon slayer ohh. All the best, they wasted so much of my time. I need to get them to see the door just in time. In this world 1 day is 1 year in my word the day is the same because time moves differently but at this moment the time is same as the other world. So he has nothing to worry about any time soon. When I turned I saw the demon slayers behind me but I couldn’t do anything. I know I can’t fight them so they took me to their base and started to question me. The questions were like what is that door for,why did you go they.i lied to them it was for a mission they sended a messenger bird to the people that make the mission for the demon slayer the bird came back and the answer was.we didn’t give him any mission to do. We just told him to wait for some time because his sword can’t kill demons. So why did you go there? Because I want to go home, I said , “What do you mean?” they replayed. The door leads to another dimension. Like what they said. If you don’t trust me, go and find out for yourself. But it is Pacific time.that you have to be there. If you are not there on time the door won’t appear. This is why I was rushing to the mansion. Did you see a demon in the window? No but there was a person in the window. That’s the demon king mansion. That’s the demon king I replayed. Yes you could die. But I fell through a hole you entered at the base of the Demons Slayers. They were talking about the door didn’t they tell you  about the door? What if I take you there? But you have to let me go, I said. Yes he replied ok lets go now. What is the time 10:20? 3 minutes left until the door returns. Ok the door is here open it look inside see i was telling the true time to go back home bey. When I got back home I broke the door so no one couldn’t enter the other side of the room.


the home room teacher gave us to wright a 1000 word story but I did 1200 words

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